No strangers to beauty…
If you follow my blog, you undoubtedly follow others. And if you frequent (or are a part of) this expanding world of food-writing and recipe-sharing, you’re no stranger to some jaw-droppingly beautiful food photography either. As a member of this community, I’m in some pretty wonderful (and at times very humbling) company. It was a real honor then to learn I’d been nominated for Best Food Blog 2012 in the Food Photography category. (The contest is sponsored annually by…an online social community for foodies.)
Contest winners aren’t evaluated and selected by a panel of judges. This is a contest judged by a jury of readers and followers like you. And there’re only a handful of days in which to vote. If it would please you to vote for Spree, it would please me no end! And if (by chance!) you wanted to pass the word around to family or friends and ask them to have a look… JOY!
You can vote here. **
** (Please see exactly HOW to register your vote at the bottom of this post.)
Voting concludes the end of this week on FRIDAY, December 14! And only one vote per person per category.
The gallery below samples some of my work over the past year-and-a-half of blogging… to scroll through the photos, click any image and use the right and left arrows that appear at the sides…

†I’ve updated the link… I feel just barely computer literate at times, this being one of them – I hope the new link helps. In any case, vote or note, and more than I can say, I’m so grateful for your kindnesses & support!
UPDATE: It looks as though “the vote” is not the most straight forward thing you’ll ever do….
Follow a couple of links – first the one on my blog above, that will take you to the voting page at FriendsEAT— under the category “best photography” find “cooking-spree”. click on “vote for”. That takes you to a separate page they’ve set up for me, and beside “cooking-spree” there’s a little icon of a whisk with a LOVE button beside it. You can love me there…I’ll love you here! But until you’ve actually pushed the love button, there’s been no vote. Thanks so much for your support everybody!